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How is Technology Changing Real Estate?

Technology and Real Estate
Technology and Real Estate

Real estate is one of the world’s oldest industries. However, it is dynamic, and technology is playing a crucial role in accelerating the industry’s development and bringing new, exciting, and convenient changes. Notably, some technology-driven changes impact how consumers, professionals, and investors approach and operate in real estate. Here is an overview of how six revolutionary changes in real estate caused by technology.

Easing & Enhancing Property Search & Listing

Technology has made it easier to market and find property through the use of property listing platforms and services. Property listing platforms are websites where people can post images and details of properties for sale. Moreover, real estate agents use a Multiple Listing Service (MLS) that essentially serves as a database for all available properties, enabling them to connect sellers with suitable buyers.

Notably, online listings provide detailed information about the properties, such as the property’s images, size, price, neighborhood setting, local infrastructure, school ratings, and more. Moreover, you can customize your property searches based on specific factors, such as price and size.

Facilitating Virtual Property Tours

Traditionally, potential buyers had to tour properties in person, requiring them to disrupt their busy schedules and travel long distances. However, buyers can now tour houses remotely from anywhere in the world and at any time through 3D virtual tours powered by virtual and augmented reality technology.

3D virtual property tours are simulations or renderings of the actual property. The simulations and renderings are detailed and accurate, giving buyers a realistic view and feel of the property’s design, size, interior settings, and all other features, down to the smallest accessories.

To this end, agents can show off more properties to attract more leads, while buyers can explore as many properties as they need to make informed decisions. Moreover, both buyers and sellers can save time and money on in-person property tours.

Streamlining Transactions & Operations

Real estate transactions involve a lot of paperwork, especially with multiple parties involved. Notably, gaps and errors in the paperwork can complicate transactions, resulting in delays, fines, and other penalties.

Fortunately, technology makes real estate paperwork easier in various ways. For example, file-sharing technology enables multiple parties to share all relevant documents from anywhere in the world, while e-signing technology enables them to sign the documents. Moreover, technology has also automated operations through solutions such as activity tracking and teleconferencing, making it easier for professionals to collaborate on real estate projects.

Collecting & Analyzing Data

The real estate market is data-driven, meaning that agents, brokers, investors, buyers, and sellers use data to make decisions. For example, brokerage companies can ignore or explore new markets based on data such as property types and demographics.

Technology in real estate makes it easy to collect large amounts of data, referred to as Big Data. Moreover, data analysis algorithms quickly and accurately process the Big Data to uncover important insights and trends in the real estate industry. Notably, major real estate companies and brokerage platforms are heavily investing in data collection and analysis technology to optimize their operations and boost their competitive edge.

IoT & Home Automation

Home automation enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most exciting tech-driven changes in real estate. It involves integrating smart technology into your home, essentially making it intuitive.

For example, you can install smart bulbs that automatically switch on and off when you enter or leave a room. Moreover, you can integrate voice-activated virtual assistants like Alexa with smart appliances to control them via speech, such as changing the thermostat’s settings or switching TV channels. Interestingly, more homeowners are adopting home automation technology, making it an important consideration for property developers, real estate professionals, and users.

Investing Online

Last but not least, technology also makes investing in real estate easy and convenient. For example, online crowdfunding platforms enable individual investors to collaborate and pool their money (crowdfunding) and resources to invest in real estate projects. Moreover, REITs, REIGs, ETFs, and Mutual funds also sell their shares and securities online. Interestingly, online real estate investing strategies are also more affordable than traditional direct investment strategies.


Technology is an integral aspect of real estate, and it is changing the industry in convenient and exciting ways. Overall, technology makes it easy to market, find, and buy real estate property for all parties involved, including agents, buyers, and sellers. Moreover, advances in technology will continue driving bigger and more exciting and constructive changes in real estate.

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